Operating under the Charitable status
of the Church of England
Winter lunch
Friday 27th January
12:30 pm
Udimore Village Hall
Tickets £12.00
(includes two course meal)
We are hoping to have a presentation from someone from Freedom from Fistula who will be talking about the devastating affect this can have when maternity care is limited. Fortunately this is something that we in the UK rarely come across but others overseas are less fortunate.
Every pound raised is distributed to the four charities that we support
Tickets available from
Liz Turgoose on 07808 597689
or Judy Edwards on 01424 882222
4Charities is The overseas Charity for
All Saints, Beckley; St. George’s, Brede; St. Peter and St. Paul, Peasmarsh
and St. Mary’s, Udimore