There have been four events in Udimore over the last month which have given villagers a wonderful opportunity to get together and reconnect in a relaxed atmosphere after a difficult 18 months. Thank you to everyone who contributed, joined in and helped.
Udimore Pet Service On Sunday 26th September the Udimore Pet Service was held in the St Mary’s hall garden. Many villagers and their pets came together to be blessed by Fr Owen on a lovely autumnal day. Though most of the pets were dogs, we did have one very well behaved pony (thank you Andersons!)
Max Baillie Violin Concert Max Baillie, who is an international concert soloist as well as being a leading violinist of his generation, performed at St Mary’s church on Monday 27th September. Max Baillie made a recording at St Mary’s last October (he chose the church because of it’s wonderful acoustics) and came back to perform Bach B minor Partita on violin, Bach C major Partita on viola and Bach D minor Artita on violin. Max gave background and an introduction to each piece and thrilled the audience with not only his talent, but his enthusiasm and joy for the music. Huge thanks to Max. The concert raised £500 for St Mary's.
Harvest Festival The Harvest festival was celebrated at St Mary’s on Sunday 3rd October. The church looked wonderful so a big thank you to Nadia and her team on the St Mary’s flower committee for all their hard work. Harvest boxes were donated to the Rye Food Bank.
Harvest supper Over 50 villagers came together to celebrate Harvest by attending the Harvest supper on Friday 8th October at the St Mary’s Hall. It was a wonderful, happy occasion and a great opportunity for villagers to meet up and reconnect. Marinos did a fantastic job of providing over 50 portions of delicious hot non-soggy fish and chips - quite some feat! So a huge thank you to Marinos and our speedy delivery drivers. Thank you also to everyone who made and donated the yummy puddings. The Harvest supper raised £500 for St Mary’s.
To be kept informed about events in Udimore please visit the St Mary's Udimore website, subscribe to the Parish magazine (subscription slips in the church, on website or in the hall), Udimore Village Noticeboard or read the Village Voice.