Dear Members,
I hope you are all well in this second lockdown.
The Committee felt you should know what we have been up to in the last six months or so and particularly about our Annual General Meeting, which should have been held in April and of course had to be postponed because of Coronavirus. Our constitution states that there must be a minimum of ten people at our AGM. Under the present circumstances we thought that it might be difficult to muster even ten, so now we are hoping to be able to hold our AGM when government rules allow, as soon as possible in 2021. As the Friends are a charity we have to notify the Charity Commission of our intention and that has been done.
As you know our Udimore Fair to be held jointly earlier this year with the PCC was abandoned and also our barn dance scheduled for September. Hopefully these jolly events and others will happen in 2021.
Your Committee are still very active and have had some useful meetings in my garden over the summer. We have designed a beautiful new promotional leaflet and plan to deliver it to all households in the New Year.
We are very much hoping that new members will join our Committee. It is fun, it is social and we have a good laugh. Do get in touch if you would like to join us. We welcome new ideas, help at our functions and particularly the making of cakes (although that is not compulsory)!
In the meantime we look forward to seeing you as soon as the rules allow and hope to return to some normality with fun events in 2021.
All the very best of wishes and thoughts for a peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year from the Committee of the Friends of St. Mary’s Church, Udimore.
Chairman Liz Dean
Tel. 01424 882206